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Y1 – Autumn 1

Welcome to the Year 1 page!

This week in school!

Our stars of the week are…

In Mathematics we investigated Cuisenaire rods of equal length and represented numbers with rods.

In English we read Oi Frog and have been learning about rhyming words. We wrote some amazing rhyming sentences.

In Music we have been learning how to identify high, low and middle sounds on tuned percussion instruments.


In Art we have been looking at the work of Kandinsky. We used the iPads to create Kandinsky style digital designs.

Our stars of the week are…


In English we re-read Animalphabet and put the pictures in alphabetical order. Then we wrote our own alphabet stories.


In Mathematics we used counters to explore partitioning 5 in different ways.

In Geography we have been finding out about the United Kingdom. We have identified physical and human features in our environment.

In R.E. we found out what a symbol is and designed our own class symbol. Then we designed a symbol which represents harvest.

In P.S.H.E. we have been learning about recognising other people’s feelings. Can you tell which emotion we are feeling by our faces?


Our stars of the week are…



 In English we have been reading the story of Animalphabet by Julia Donaldson. We have been matching the lower case letters to the capital letters.


In Maths this week we have been learning to work systemically to help us find all the ways to make 5. 



 In Geography we have been learning that the United kingdom is made up of four countries and that the Union Flag is made from the flags of these countries.

In Art this week we have been looking at the work or Pier Mondrian. Do you like the pictures we have created?


Our stars of the week are…


In P.E. this week we have developed and applied our footwork and one leg balance through focus skill development sessions, thematic stories and games. We loved being pirates and spacemen.


In Music, through the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, we have been listening for low and high sounds. We have listened to the Carnival of the Animals and have been working together to find a low, middle and high note on our chime bars.

In English we retold the story of Shark in the Park using a capital I, finger spaces between each word and a full stop at the end of each sentence.

We have been finding two parts of a whole number in Mathematics.

We found out the names and location of the countries which make up the United Kingdom in Geography.

In Art we have looked at colour and shape. Then we copied the work of Mondrian.

Our stars of the week are…


In our English lessons we have been reading Shark in the Park. We used our amazing phonics skills to write the items that Timothy saw through his telescope. Then we describe where the shark was hiding!

In mathematics we have been investigating wholes and parts of objects and numbers. We used cakes and cake trays to explore the idea of a whole number.

In art we learned about the artist Wassily Kandinsky. We explored primary colours and mixed them to make secondary colours.

We had great fun learning new scooter skills with Alex.

This week are Stars Of The Week are…..

Here are some photos of what we’ve been doing over the last couple of weeks. 

We’ve had great fun!