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The National Curriculum: Music

As part of the new curriculum, all children will become music makers.
Children will be taught to:

  • use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes
  • play tuned and unturned instruments musically
  • listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high-quality live and recorded music
  • experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using the inter-related dimensions of music (pitch, dynamics, duration, tempo, timbre, texture, structure)

Click here for the Long Term Music Plan

 Click here for the Music Progression and Skills Document

Click here for our Music Development Plan 2024

Our vision for music at Petersfield:

At Petersfield Infant school, our music curriculum intends to inspire creativity, self-expression and independence. By listening and responding to different musical styles, finding their voices as singers and performers and being composers, all children will be enabled to become confident, reflective musicians. We believe that music plays an integral role in helping children feel part of the community, therefore we provide children with many opportunities to create, perform and enjoy music in class, in school and within our local town. We hope to foster a lifelong love of music by exposing the children to diverse musical experiences which will in turn, ignite their passion for music.


Music at Petersfield Infant School