Year 2
Welcome to Year 2!
Spring 1
Week 1
It was lovely to welcome the children back after the Christmas break. They were all eager and raring to learn.
Here are this week’s Stars of the Week. Congratulations! We hope you feel proud!
We were all excited because we started a new learning journey in English (The Clockwork Dragon). We started the week by using our detective skills to try and guess what the story might be about, what we could find out about the characters, where the story takes place and the themes. We explored the town of Cranktown and wrote some brilliant descriptive writing using lots of expanded noun phrases. We then learnt what a subordinating conjunction is and wrote sentences using because, if, when and that. We found this tricky, but we will have more time to practice this in the coming weeks.
In Music we began our new topic ‘Man on the Moon’. We played a fun game where we chanted a rhyme whilst tapping a steady beat. We then explored different vocal timbres by making up funny voices for the aliens - some were high, some low, some squeaky.
We began our new RE topic – ‘Special’. We thought about what the word special means and we discussed what things are special to us. We drew pictures of our special items and people.
In Geography we looked at different towns and cities across the world and thought about the things that were similar and different.
In Science we were exploring the differences between things that are living, dead and things that have never been alive. Sometimes it wasn’t always obvious eg. Did you know that hair is living when inside your head and in the hair follicle but as soon as it is external, it is dead? Do you know that plastic is made of oil? Oil is made from from tiny plants and animals such as algae and plankton which have become trapped in layers of sand and mud. So, plastic could be described as ‘once living’! Wow!
Finally, we could not end the week without mentioning ... SNOW! We were all very excited when it began to snow on Wednesday. Our teachers let us go outside so we could play in the falling snow. It was so much fun!
Year 2 Spring 1 Week 1
Autumn 2
Week 7
Here are our final Stars of the week this term. Well done you are amazing!
We had a wonderful final week finishing off our English learning journey writing about Edgar the dragon and enjoying Music and PSHE.
Year 2 Autumn 1 Week 7
Week 6
Here are our Stars of the Week! Well done children! You have made your teachers very proud!
What a jam-packed, busy and Christmassy week we’ve had!
First, we must say how amazing the children were in their Christmas performance at the church. The singing was incredible and the individual class performances were truly special: Woodpeckers played the glockenspiels, Owls played the handbells and Puffins sang while using Makaton signing—what an incredible sight! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.
On Thursday, sixteen members of the Year 2 choir club visited the residents of St Peter’s Court. They sang many Christmas songs and were excellent ambassadors for our school, showcasing all of our school values. After singing, the children chatted, laughed and smiled with the residents, creating a truly magical experience.
In Music this week, we had fun exploring the highest and lowest notes on the glockenspiel. In RE, we learned about when, why and how Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah. Did you know that the Hanukkah festival will be celebrated from Wednesday 25th December 2024 to Thursday 2nd January 2025?
We thoroughly enjoyed Christmas Jumper Day and Art Day! In art, we revisited the paintings of Fra Angelico, particularly his colourful angel wings. We experimented with various materials to create 3D angel decorations, focusing on making them look like ourselves. When we bring them home, be sure to ask us why our angels look the way they do and how they represent us!
Finally, what a wonderful way to end the week with Christmas Lunch Day! We enjoyed a fantastic Christmas dinner, lovingly prepared by our amazing kitchen team. Thank you for making it such a fun, memorable and special occasion!
Year 2 Autumn 2 Week 6
Week 5
Many congratulations to our fabulous Stars of the Week!
This week we looked at different 2D shapes in Maths. We have learned what they are all called and we can now name their properties. Ask us how many sides and how many vertices a shape has! We are sure you’ll be wowed by our knowledge!
In English we completed our learning journey based around the fable The Lion and the Mouse. We became little authors by retelling the story using all the skills we have been learning. We included expanded noun phrases, suffixes –ly, -est, -er and made our sentences longer by adding the coordinating conjunctions – and, but, or.
In Art some of us have had fun making 3D angels. We learnt a new skill of pleating paper which some of us found very difficult. However, we showed resilience by sticking at it. We were also helped by our kind friends who offered words of support and encouragement, as well as a helpful hand!
What do you do when someone is feeling left out? This was a question posed by our teachers this week. As a class we came up with many solutions such as – talk to them, include them in a game. Can you think of anything else?
As well as all this learning, we have been rehearsing very hard for our Christmas concert. We cannot wait for you to see it next week in the church.
Year 2 Autumn 2 Week 5
Week 4
Here are this week's shining stars!
We have had another busy week! In English we have continued to use The Lion and the Mouse as inspiration for our writing tasks. We have been learning about adding suffixes to words and using the coordinating conjunctions and, but, or.
In Maths we have been subtracting ones from two digit numbers.
In PSHE we have been thinking about how we make each other feel.
We have been learning really interesting things about microbes in Science. We used our imaginations to design our own! We had to decide whether it was a virus, bacteria or fungi. We then decided whether they'd be a beneficial or harmful microbe before giving it a name.
In Music, we were using glockenspiels to learn to play more musical notes. We are starting to learn how to play tunes using both high and low notes. As well as this we are practising for our Christmas concert!
What a busy week!
Year 2 Autumn 1 Week 4
Week 3
Congratulations to this week's superstars! You have made your teachers very proud.
We have had a very busy third week back. In English, we have started a new learning journey based on a wordless picture book of the classic fable The Lion and the Mouse. We have enjoyed sequencing the story and thinking of adventurous vocabulary to link to each part of it.
In Maths, we have been learning about subtraction as difference and solving problems such as, “A teacher has 8 children and 2 pencils. How many more pencils will she need?” We have used resources including multilink and Cuisenaire rods to support our learning.
In Art, we have been using our mark-making and portrait skills to draw angels. We worked hard to ensure that our wings included lots of detail.
In Science, we completed an experiment focusing on handwashing. We made predictions about what might happen and then carried out the experiment to see if our predictions were correct. Ask me all about this at home!
In Music, we have started to learn about musical notes. We played notes on a glockenspiel and learned how to identify when a musical note is lower or higher than another. We also discovered that notes move in steps.
In Real Gym, we have been exploring travel skills using low apparatus. Take a look below at what we focused on during this lesson and how we did!
Year 2 Autumn 1 Week 3
Week 2
First, let’s celebrate our amazing Stars of the Week! They have made us all proud. Well done children!
Did you know that it’s Anti-bullying week? The Anti-bullying Alliance chose the theme of ‘respect’ this year. We used class discussions and drama to practice some respectful tools we could use during a conflict. We all decided that the tools matched some of our Trick Box tricks, such as Win Win and Breathing Colour.
In RE we continued thinking about candlelight as a symbol. This week we considered how candles are used to remember something or someone. As it was Remembrance Day on Monday we talked about how we could use candles alongside the poppy symbol to remember those who have been brave through fighting in wars. We then drew our own candle using wax pastels and decided who or what we were remembering.
In Computing we were learning how to take a good photograph. We used ipads to explore taking photos in both portrait and landscape formats. We discussed why a photographer might prefer one over the other.
Our topic this half term in Music is ‘Christmas is Coming!’ This week we enjoyed listening to Sleigh Ride by Leroy Anderson, identifying the steady beat. We began by tapping the beat on our thighs. When we were confident with the steady beat we used musical instruments. Half the class used wood blocks, wooden agogôs and guiros to represent the horses’ hooves whilst the other half shook bells to represent the bells on the sleigh. It was lots of fun!
Wednesday was Positive Noticing Day. We were all spotted making the right choices - being kind, respectful to our friends and adults as well as showing resilience in our learning. We enjoyed writing a label for our friend on which we described what positive things we have noticed about them. We wore the labels home with pride.
We ended our fabulous week by coming to school dressed in our own clothes for Children in Need! We wonder how much we have raised for this great cause?
Year 2 Autumn 2 Week 2
Week 1
Well done to the stars of the week!
We have had a great start this week! We have been learning about poetry and performing the poem November Night Countdown - we used actions to help us remember it. Ask us if we can perform it to you at home! We've also looked at different styles of poetry about fireworks and enjoyed picking out the words and features we liked the best.
In computing we have been learning about photography and using i-pads to take pictures. We worked out some of the things we need to do to get the best shot!
In P.E. we carried on practicing jumping, balancing and gymnastics.
In Art we used the work of Fra Angelico as inspiration to experiment with mark making and drawing an angel's wing. What a busy week!
Year 2 Autumn 2 week 1
Autumn 1
Week 8
A huge congratulations to our Stars of the week. You have made your teachers very proud!
We’ve had an action-packed week brimming with excitement and learning! To end the term on a high, we took part in the famous Year 2 Downhill Dash as part of our Design and Technology lessons. Leading up to the event, we focused on designing, constructing, and evaluating our very own wheeled vehicles. During the design phase, we considered the appearance of our vehicles, the materials we would use and whether we preferred a fixed or free axle.
Today's vehicle construction was a highlight, as we assembled our wheels, axles and chassis. It was a fantastic opportunity to collaborate with fellow inventors, sharing ideas and supporting each other as a team.
The grand finale was the Downhill Dash itself! It was thrilling to watch our vehicles roll down the ramp—some zooming straight ahead, others veering sideways and a few even coming to an abrupt stop. There were a few breakages along the way, but that was all part of the fun! We took it all in our stride, remembering that each outcome was a valuable learning experience. Reflecting on the results, we discussed what worked well and what we would change if we were to build our vehicles again.
What a fantastic way to finish off the term!
Year 2 Autumn 1 Week 8
Week 7
Congratulations to our incredible Stars of the Week!
In Maths this week we have been making ten. We have used Numicon to help us. We then used tens frames and counters to help us add two numbers that bridged ten. Eg. 8+6 = 8+2+4. We made the “cheeky ten” by partitioning the 6 into 2 and 4.
Throughout Year 2 we will be investigating whether an animal could live within the different areas of our school. Throughout the year we will be returning to observe these different areas, and checking to see if, and how the seasonal changes affect their findings. This week we went for a walk around the school grounds and observed the different areas. We thought about whether Stanley the stick insect would be happy living there.
We became composers in Music! In groups we created music that matched our dragon. We chose which instruments to use and decided upon the dynamics and tempo of the music. We layered the different sounds and created a sound picture of our dragon. We had lots of fun!
In RE we have been learning why Jewish people are thankful at harvest time. Jewish people celebrate the Festival of Sukkot at this time of year and build a Sukkah - which is a shelter - in their gardens. The roof is made of palm leaves and they decorate it. They use the Sukkah for eating and sleeping in for 7 days. During this festival they thank God for providing food and shelter for their ancestors whilst they were in the desert (promised land) for 40 years after Pharaoh let them go. We designed our own Sukkahs.
Some of us had lots of fun in Real Gym this week as we got out the medium and high apparatus! We used these to practice our amazing balances. We had to use resilience to keep trying as some of the balances were really tricky. We also ensured we were keeping safe.
Year 2 Autumn 1 Week 7
Week 6
Congratulations to our stars of the week!
In R.E. we have continued to learn about being thankful at harvest time. This week we learnt about why Jewish people are thankful too. We used drama to act out the story of the Jewish people fleeing from the Pharaoh (with the help of Moses and God) to the promised land.
In PSHE we read our speeches to tell our friends why we would be great school councillors. We then participated in a democratic vote to pick one girl and one boy from each class. I wonder who has been elected? Watch this space - the election results will be announced on Monday!
In Music we thought about adjectives for our dragons. We then practised making body part sounds to match those words. We discussed whether the tempo (speed - fast and slow) or dynamics (loud or quiet) would change for different types of dragons. We then used instruments to make the sounds to match the words. Some of us played together to layer the music. We had lots of fun being creative!
Owls were super excited to be taught by Matt from Real PE. We worked on our shapes during the lesson and used low apparatus. Matt came to our school to work with Mr Owen from year one, our new leader of PE!
Year 2 Autumn 1 Week 6
Week 5
Congratulations to our Superstars this Week!
In Music, we had a great time exploring different types of music. We even drew dragons to match the mood of the music and enjoyed acting them out!
In PE, we have been focusing on improving our traveling and footwork skills. Did you know that balancing on one leg can be quite tricky? We've been working hard to master it!
In Science, we learned about different types of animals and their diets. We also revisited key vocabulary from our Year 1 lessons. Ask me to explain what a carnivore, herbivore, and omnivore are!
Year 2 Autumn 1 Week 5
Week 4
We are half way through our first half term – can you believe it?
Here are this week’s Stars of the Week. Congratulations for making your teachers proud.
As part of our English learning journey we will be writing booklets for Mrs Hodgkinson. To help us, we have been thinking about what questions a visitor may have about our school. We have written some questions and answered them using statements.
In Music we have had lots of fun thinking about the tempo (speed) and dynamics (volume) of a piece of music. We pretended to be dragons and responded to the music through drama.
What fun we had watching Aidan McGivern from the Met Office presenting the weather forecast this week in Geography! We thoroughly enjoyed ‘magpieing’ some of his phrases and using specific vocabulary to describe the weather in the UK.
Year 2 Autumn 1 Week 4
Week 3
We have completed week 3! Congratulations to our stars of the week! ★
What have we been doing in English? We have been thinking about questions and answers. Using the text ‘Little Answer’ by Tim Hopgood. We played a game where we matched questions with answers. We have also been thinking about what it looks like when we write a question and we have been writing some ourselves.
In Maths, we look at tens and ones and the different ways of representing numbers. We played a game of ‘snap’ matching numerals to pictures of bundles of ten and more.
In Music we continued looking at dynamics and tempo using through the topic of dragons. We changed our type of singing voice, the dynamics (how loud) and the tempo (how quick).
In DT we investigated the difference between a fixed and free moving axle. We looked at what these were and how they worked.
Year 2 Autumn 1 Week 3
Week 2
WOW, what a fantastic second week back! Congratulations to our stars of the week! ★
On Tuesday, we had a blast with CM Sports, learning a dance routine to "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction. We practiced counting in rounds of eight and moving to the beat.
We also had our first DT lesson, where we explored wheeled vehicles. We learned about the differences between fixed and free axles and sorted toy cars, lorries, and tractors into the correct axle categories.
In Music, we began our new topic, ‘Dragons.’ We introduced two new terms: forte (meaning loud) and piano (meaning quiet). We learned a dragon chant and practiced singing it with varying dynamics.
In Science, we discovered that an animal’s offspring are its babies. We had a lot of fun matching pictures of different animals to their offspring!
In Geography, we had a great discussion around the question: ‘If it is raining in Petersfield, is it raining everywhere in the world?’ We looked at the weather forecast for various places around the world and then matched weather symbols to the correct vocabulary. At the end of the lesson we went outside to watch the clouds, we discussed the difference between the clouds, the speed at which they were travelling and whether we thought they’d be the ones to get us wet!
Year 2 Autumn 1 Week 2
Week 1
We’ve had a fabulous week. It’s only Week 1 and our new Year 2s have already been working incredibly hard. We are all so proud of how well they are settling into life ‘upstairs’ and how hard they are working already. We cannot wait to watch them grow as the year progresses.
Firstly, here are our Stars of the Week.
In English we have been reading the book ‘Have You Filled a Bucket Today?’ We have been thinking about adjectives to describe a bucket filler and writing sentences to explain what we could, should and would do to be bucket fillers (whilst also learning to spell these difficult words!.)
We have been learning how to use our Grow the Code mats to help us with our spellings. We have also learnt to spell some tricky words.
In Maths we have been thinking about the number 10. We’ve collected and grouped ten objects and we’ve played shop where everything costs 10p. We then looked at the spellings of multiples of ten and practised writing them. We even played a fun matching game where we matched the numeral to the word.
In SCARF we have been discussing what makes an ideal classroom. We then thought about our own classroom and made our own rules to ensure everyone is happy and safe. We made a Class Charter to remind ourselves of our rules throughout the year. We have also explored feelings such as happy, worried, nervous, and excited. We did some drama to show how we can help our friends when they feel worried, scared and nervous.
Year 2 Autumn 1 Week 1