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The science curriculum

Year R
In year R the children learn about Science through the EYFS subject, Understanding the World. During their Discovery Time children are faced with problem solving and investigative activities to enable them to learn about the world around them. The children make their own observations of change through discussions and exploration of their local environment.
Year One
In Year One, the children begin to cover the wide range of KS1 topics in the Science Curriculum. They learn about animal habitats, materials and growth of plants through termly topics which are enhanced by regular investigations. Throughout the Year the children complete a Longitudinal Study where they can track the changed in their local environment and make observations of our seasons.
Year Two
In Year Two, the children continue their journey through the KS1 Science Curriculum and continue to carry out investigations. In this year the children learn about forces, animal survival and time lines and continue to learn about plant growth. In this year group the children complete a separate Longitudinal Study to continue to develop their understanding of the environment. In Year Two the children are encouraged to explain their answers and evaluate their findings.
Each year the school has ‘Science Day’ where all children have the opportunity to experiment and investigate new realms of science which may not have been covered throughout the year. The days is fun-filled and sometimes messy! There is lots of fun to be had by all.

 Click here for the Science Long Term Curriculum Map

 Click here for the Science Progression Document

Click here for the Science Longitudinal Studies Descriptions

Our vision for Science at Petersfield

Science is using evidence to make sense of the world and it helps us to have a deeper understanding of our relationships with the world that we live in. At Petersfield Infant School we want our children to experience the awe and wonder of science by making new discoveries. Children are naturally curious, so we want to inspire and engage our children through a meaningful, hands on approach to science, which enables them to work scientifically, explore and approach their learning with confidence. We want our children to have first hand experiences so that they are inspired to be critical thinkers and question the world around them. We recognise that it is important that children generate and answer their own questions through investigation, observation and research. In science children show respect and resilience when working collaboratively and discuss and share ideas. Our aim is that these stimulating and challenging experiences help every child secure and extend their scientific knowledge and vocabulary, as well as promoting a love and thirst for learning.