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Wrap Around Care 

Dawn to Dusk


Contact details

Email address – dawntodusk@petersfield-inf.hants.sch.uk

Telephone number - 01730 642215 (messages will be picked up between 1.30pm and 3.10pm)

Opening Times                                                                                                                            

Breakfast Club

7.30am - 8.40am (your child will be escorted to their class for registration)

Afterschool Club

3.10pm – 2 finish times 5pm or 6pm Monday - Thursday

3.10pm - 2 finish times 5pm or 5.30pm Friday

(your child will be collected from class at the end of the school day and taken to club)


The clubs will be held in the school ‘Happy Hut’ – this is the green standalone building accessed via the small pedestrian gate between the school main reception and school staff car park on St Peter’s Road – there is no access from the school playground on Hylton Road.

Children must be escorted down the passage to the Happy Hut where they will be met by one of our members of staff.

There will be an intercom system on the door to alert staff re drop off and collection – the entrance door will be locked.


Breakfast Club

Monday - Friday 7.30am - 8.40am £5.00 per session

Afterschool Club

Monday - Thursday 3.10pm - 5.00pm £8.50 per session
Monday - Thursday 3.10pm - 6.00pm £12.50 per session
Friday 3.10pm - 5.00pm £8.50 per session
Friday 3.10pm - 5.30pm £10.50 per session


Sessions will be bookable via the Arbor Parent Portal, payable in advance – with either card payment or childcare vouchers. You will not be able to book spaces if you have insufficient credit on your Arbor account.

Sessions will be bookable a term at a time – we will release the booking system at half term for the next term – i.e October Half term for Spring (January - Easter).

If there is sufficient space, you will be able to book up to 7.30pm (12 hours before the club opens) the night before for breakfast club or 9.10pm (18 hours before) for the after school sessions. For emergency bookings please use the contact details above.

To cancel a session please email dawntodusk@petersfield-inf.hants.sch.uk – you will not be able to cancel sessions via Arbor. Refunds will be provided if the cancellation request is received by the School, within school hours, the day before the booked session.

Cancellations on the day will still be charged.

If you are booked for a 5pm collection or a 6pm collection, and over 10 minutes late collecting your child from After School Club, a late fee of £5.00 will become payable.

Please ensure that your child is collected by 6pm – if you are repeatedly late collecting your child, the school will have the right to refuse a child a place at our After School Club

If you are late to collect your child from school at the end of the day, they will be taken to the office for collection by 3.20 pm, after this they will placed in the After School Club and you will be invoiced the £8.50 charge.


Other Information

Breakfast will be provided in the morning, if your child arrives before 8.20am,  and a cold picnic tea in the afternoon.  The club will use the same dietary allergy information as provided to school. If your child has a special menu provided by HC3S please contact the School Office.

Dawn to Dusk Club have been awarded the highest Food Hygiene Rating of 5.


The school has the right to refuse a child a place at the Breakfast or After School Care Club if a child’s behaviour is not in line with the school’s Behaviour Policy.