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Year 1

Wow - What a fantastic first week we have had in Year 1!


Congratulations to our stars of the week, you have made your teachers very proud .

In Year 1 this week we have been exploring our new classrooms, making new friends and thinking about how we can 'fill' each others 'buckets' by being kind and respectful. We have come up with some brilliant ideas and have tried hard to be bucket fillers this week!


We have particularly enjoyed our 'Explore and Learn' time in class where we have focused on making repeating patterns using many different resources from our class Maths areas.


Y1, Au 1, Wk 1

 Week 2 Autumn 1 

Stars of the week!

In Year 1 this week we have continued exploring our new classrooms and making new friends. In Maths we have explored counting backwards and forwards and started to develop understanding of using language like larger / smaller, taller / shorter, heavier / lighter to describe and compare objects.


We have particularly enjoyed our 'Explore and Learn' time in class where we have focused on making grouping and sorting objects using different resources from our class Maths areas. We have also been practicing letter formation and spelling the days of the week.



Year 1 Autumn One Week 2