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Year 2

Autumn 1

Welcome to Year 2!

Week 2

WOW, what a fantastic second week back! Congratulations to our stars of the week! ★

On Tuesday, we had a blast with CM Sports, learning a dance routine to "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction. We practiced counting in rounds of eight and moving to the beat.

We also had our first DT lesson, where we explored wheeled vehicles. We learned about the differences between fixed and free axles and sorted toy cars, lorries, and tractors into the correct axle categories.

In Music, we began our new topic, ‘Dragons.’ We introduced two new terms: forte (meaning loud) and piano (meaning quiet). We learned a dragon chant and practiced singing it with varying dynamics.

In Science, we discovered that an animal’s offspring are its babies. We had a lot of fun matching pictures of different animals to their offspring!

In Geography, we had a great discussion around the question: ‘If it is raining in Petersfield, is it raining everywhere in the world?’ We looked at the weather forecast for various places around the world and then matched weather symbols to the correct vocabulary. At the end of the lesson we went outside to watch the clouds, we discussed the difference between the clouds, the speed at which they were travelling and whether we thought they’d be the ones to get us wet!

Year 2 Autumn 1 Week 2



Week 1


We’ve had a fabulous week. It’s only Week 1 and our new Year 2s have already been working incredibly hard. We are all so proud of how well they are settling into life ‘upstairs’ and how hard they are working already. We cannot wait to watch them grow as the year progresses.


Firstly, here are our Stars of the Week.

Week 1 Stars of the Week


In English we have been reading the book ‘Have You Filled a Bucket Today?’ We have been thinking about adjectives to describe a bucket filler and writing sentences to explain what we could, should and would do to be bucket fillers (whilst also learning to spell these difficult words!.)

We have been learning how to use our Grow the Code mats to help us with our spellings. We have also learnt to spell some tricky words.


In Maths we have been thinking about the number 10. We’ve collected and grouped ten objects and we’ve played shop where everything costs 10p. We then looked at the spellings of multiples of ten and practised writing them. We even played a fun matching game where we matched the numeral to the word. 


In SCARF we have been discussing what makes an ideal classroom. We then thought about our own classroom and made our own rules to ensure everyone is happy and safe. We made a Class Charter to remind ourselves of our rules throughout the year. We have also explored feelings such as happy, worried, nervous, and excited. We did some drama to show how we can help our friends when they feel worried, scared and nervous.

Year 2 Autumn 1 Week 1