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Mission Statement

The Governing Body of Petersfield Infant School will support the aims and goals of the school, as expressed in the school's mission statement. 


The Governing Body will:

  • Strive to have strong and positive relationships between governors and school leaders based on trust, openness and transparency.
  • Be informed and knowledgeable because we seek high quality, accurate information focused on pupil achievement.
  • Support difficult decisions in the interest of the children.
  • Ensure absolute clarity about the different roles and responsibilities of the headteacher and governors.
  • Be familiar with the school, its staff and children.
  • Behave with integrity and be mutually supportive.
  • Expect school leaders to recognise that governors provide them with a different perspective which contributes to strengthening the school's leadership.
  • Use the skills we bring, and the information we have about the school, to ask challenging questions, which are focused on improvement, and hold leaders to account for pupils' outcomes.
  • Use time efficiently by delegating tasks into established committees and working parties with clear terms of reference to provide high levels of challenge and support.
  • Come to meetings well prepared and with pertinent questions ready so that we are able to provide support and constructive challenge.
  • Constantly reflect on our own effectiveness and make changes to improve.  We consider our own training needs, as well as how we organise our work.
  • Ensure that the school uses its resources to achieves best value.


Our Governors

Governors are unpaid volunteers whose duty it is to drive relentless ambition for the young people served by our schools system, whatever the circumstances. 

Governors are elected every four years and represent different sections of the community - Local Authority, co-opted, parents and staff. 


Jon Gregory

Chair of Governors 

I’m delighted to serve as the Chair of Governors and to work with the board and school leadership team to set a clear vision and direction for the school and promote maintenance of high standards of education for all children.

I’m passionate about the importance of high-quality education and particularly that which fosters a love of learning and enables children to develop their confidence and independence. I have seen this first hand both through Governor work and my daughter who is currently at the school and am looking forward to my son joining the school shortly.

Outside of work and governor activity, I enjoy live music, theatre, cooking, and skiing and, alongside my wife, generally trying to keep pace with two young children!

Adam Greaves

Vice Chair 

My career to date has been all about supporting people to reach their potential having held a number of Learning and Development roles working with sporting professionals across the UK. Currently, I am the strategic lead for our new digital learning strategy which will enhance our ability to support the British high performing sporting community.

Away from work, my love for sport and physical activity continues supporting our kids with their activities and remembering to keep myself fit and healthy.

I spent most of my life in London, and we moved to Petersfield in 2016.  The location and surroundings has been perfect for raising our young family with our eldest having been through Petersfield Infant School and our youngest currently a child at the school. Being a governor is a perfect opportunity to support a school which has so much impact in the local community in helping our children develop to the best of their potential. 

Sue Barrow

Co-Opted Governor 

I grew up in Fleet and left to join the Royal Navy when I was 19 to train as an engineer officer.  17 years of adventure later, I changed career, becoming the headmistress's PA at a school in Portsmouth.  At the same time, I decided to get involved in my local community and so became  a governor here at the school. In 2013, my husband's job took us abroad for 4 years but on my return I was delighted to re-join the governors.  I am currently working as a HR manager in a school in Portsmouth.  I enjoy singing, cycling, reading, travel and spending time with my nieces and nephews. 


Catherine Askam

Parent Governor 

I have live in Petersfield since 2011 and love being part of such a welcoming and active community.  My son attends the school, and he is thoroughly enjoying his time.  I was educated in a community school in Yorkshire, and I graduated from Manchester University with a degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. I am now an Associate Director in Strategy and Consulting but when I am not at work I enjoy building Lego with the children, watching a bit of strictly, attending live music events, cooking and catching up with friends and family.

I wanted to play an active role both in my son's education and the local community, so being a parent governor was an ideal opportunity for me. 


Darren Evans 

Co-opted Governor 

I'm happy to be a co-opted governor supporting the strategic direction, reviewing educational performance and good governance.  

Our eldest child has now graduated from Petersfield Infant School and continues to flourish in Herne Juniors with the youngest at the beginning of their exciting learning journey.

Petersfield Infant School is at the heart of an inclusive community and allows life long connections to be made for many children.  They come together and be socially active in local teams, as you might find us at Petersfield Mini's Rubgy on cold Sunday mornings. 


Trudy Baxendale 

Parent Governor 

My third and youngest child is currently attending Petersfield Infant School and so I have been a part of this school community since September 2018. My children have all enjoyed their time here and I’ve made some lifetime friends. I did two years as PISA chair before stepping down and then joining the governing board. I love photography, walking and watching my kids play sport which happens to be predominantly football, although maybe not so much enjoyment in the winter.


Clare Parsons

Co-opted Governor 

I was born and brought up in South Wales, leaving to study at Southampton University when I was 18. I completed a 4-year BEd Hons history degree there and got my first job as a teacher in a large junior school in Portsmouth shortly after finishing. After a few years teaching I decided to try a different career and got a job in IT, working for IBM and was fortunate to do a variety of roles within the company, including being a Service Manager for one of IBM UK’s biggest clients. I have since returned to teaching which I am thoroughly enjoying; it definitely delivers job satisfaction! I have lived in Petersfield since 2002. I am married and have two sons, both of whom thoroughly enjoyed their time at Petersfield Infant School. Since having children my spare time has diminished significantly but when I do have that rare moment I like to go out for a run, read, visit the theatre, cook, catch up with friends or relax with a glass of wine.


Cara Schwick

Staff Governor 

I feel very privileged to be actively involved with the school, both as a governor in my second term and a member of staff as a higher-level teaching assistant. It is extremely rewarding to be involved with a school where the staff focus on the achievements of every child.

When I am not at school, I enjoy spending time with my husband and daughters, going for walks in the countryside or at the beach, paddle boarding, reading, and going to the gym.


Crissy Hodgkinson


I am thoroughly enjoying my time as headteacher at Petersfield Infant School. The children are wonderful to be around, making me laugh and smile everyday. They are without a doubt the best part of my job! When I am not at work, I love to read and spend time with my family and my lovely Cocker Spaniel Freddie.


Governing Body Meeting Dates 2024 - 25

Governing Body Attendance 2024 - 25

Governing Body Membership and Roles 2024 - 25

Governing Body Confirmations 2024 - 25