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Y2 – Autumn 2

W/C 15th December 2023


Massive congratulations to our awesome Christmas Stars of the Week. You are all fantastic and we are very proud of you!

Also, a huge congratulations and well done to the children who have completed their New Arrivals Ambassador training. You are a credit to the school! Mrs Proudfoot is very proud of you.


Despite this being our last week in school before the Christmas break, the Year 2 children were still busy working hard and learning lots of new things!


In English we immersed ourselves in the story of Edgar the Excitable Dragon. We watched the little film clip and then used expanded noun phrases and interesting vocabulary to describe Edgar and write about all his unfortunate mishaps. We used drama to help us.


In Science we learnt how to take our pulse and experimented with different types of exercise to see which made our heart beat faster. We learnt that running makes our pulse rate go up compared to walking. We learnt that exercise is vital for a healthy heart. We also observed other affects exercise has on our body such as sweating, making us thirsty, making us short of breath, making us feel warm.

We then thought about healthy eating and designed our own healthy lunch box.


In Music we became composers! We used instruments such as glockenspiels, bells, triangles etc to make up music for some of the things Father Christmas does on Christmas Eve. We had to think about pitch (that means how high or low the notes are.) We needed to choose and order sounds to represent the parts of Father Christmas’ journey. We then created a graphic notation to show the order of the events (we stuck pictures in a sequence, drew/wrote the instruments we’d use for each section and made jottings about how we would play the instrument.) We practiced our pieces, then performed them to the class. These were recorded too!

On Friday Year 2 had SO MUCH FUN! It was our Christmas party day! We enjoyed playing games in the hall and in our classrooms. Some of us even won prizes! We then had a delicious Christmas lunch. The hall was filled with Christmas music, children singing and laughing and lots of smiles. In the afternoon, Year 2 were treated to a televised pantomime (Puss in Boots). Whilst watching we enjoyed drinking squash, eating biscuits and munching on a sweet. A perfect afternoon to finish the term!

Thank you to our amazing kitchen staff who cooked an incredibly delicious meal. They had fun too!


All the teachers and staff would like to thank everyone who kindly gave us gifts. We never expect anything but are always touched when we receive something. Thank you!



W/C 4th December 2023

Congratulations to our awesome Stars of the Week. You are all fabulous and we are very proud of you!

Well, what an exciting week we have had! We started the week with our Christingle in St Peter’s Church. Didn’t the children do well? They were ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE and blew us all away with their performances. We were all so proud of them and I am sure all the adults watching were too. Thank you to everyone for coming and supporting the children.

In PSHE we have been learning what an active listener looks like and thinking about how to resolve familiar playground issues.

On Thursday some of the Year 2 choir sang to the retired ladies and gentlemen at St Peter’s Court. They sang their little hearts out and put smiles on everyone’s faces. They were incredibly well behaved, kind and respectful. They were a true credit to our school. Well done children.


We ended our week with our annual ‘wear something Christmasy’ for Christmas Craft Day. We spent the morning working hard producing amazing peg angels that look just like us, having been inspired by the book An Angel Just Like Me by Mary Hoffman and the art work by Angelico Fra. This afternoon we have been creating a calendar for you all to enjoy in 2024.

W/C 1st December 2023

It’s finally December! The classrooms are looking very jolly with all the Christmas decorations.

Massive congratulations to our incredible Stars of the Week. You are all super starts and we are very proud of you!

This week in English we completed our Learning Journey on the fable The Lion and the Mouse, by retelling this tale. Once we had written our story and edited it, we published it, which meant we wrote it up neatly in special booklets. As well as being the author of the booklets, we also drew pictures, so we were illustrators too!

Today we started our new Learning Journey based around the book How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth. We will be learning the skill of writing instructions. Today the children had great fun giving the teachers instructions on how to wash their teeth! It got very messy! But they learnt how important it was to make instructions clear. In pairs, they then had a go at giving their friend instructions on how to draw something.

Kingfishers finished the History topic by debating if Guy Fawkes should be the only plotter to be blamed for the plot.

Owls were learning all about Hanukkah. They used drama to act out the story. They learnt that Jews celebrate the miracle of the oil burning for 8 days when there was only enough to burn for 1.



W/C 20th November 2023

Here’s our super star of the week children! Congratulations, we are very proud of you!

In computing, we have been continuing to focus on photography. This week, we have been thinking about what makes a good photo.


In PSHE, we have been discussing what to do when someone is feeling left out. We drew our ideas on a jigsaw piece and put them together to see if our ideas were similar.

In History, we have been looking at evidence to determine whether it proves that the Gunpowder Plot really happened. We then discussed what Bonfire Night actually celebrates. We read a number of statements and decided if we agreed with them or not.

In Maths, we have been learning that difference is one of the structures of subtraction. We have been using the words ‘more’ and ‘fewer’ to help us in comparing difference.

In Music, some of us used the musical instruments to practise steady beats, while others used the glockenspiels to learn and play high and low notes – they even played a little tune while singing along to a new song!

Finally, here are some pictures of the Owls Class last week having a go on the wall bars in preparation for our future gym lessons. They worked extremely hard and worked as a team to set them up and put them away safely.

W/C 13th  November 2023

Our week started off wearing odd socks for Anti-Bullying Week and ended with us all dressed in our own clothes for Children in Need! We LOVED it!

Before we talk about what we have been learning, let’s celebrate our amazing Stars of the Week! They have made us all proud. Well done children!

We started a new learning journey in English this week. We have been talking about fables and learning that they are special fictional stories where animals are the main characters. There is also always a morale to the stories. We have looked at The Lion and the Mouse in more detail and learnt that the moral in that story is ‘a kindness is never wasted’.  Perfect for our school values!

We used drama to help us use inference. We loved pretending to be the lion and the mouse at different parts of the story. Can you spot when we were the angry lion, the frustrated lion, the scared mouse, the exhausted mouse, the determined mouse in the pictures below?


In Maths we have been learning to subtract a number that bridges ten. This week we have learnt to subtract from the ten. We used Rekenreks to help us.


We used more drama in History when we pretended to be the plotters discussing their plans to blow up the Houses of Parliament and King James I.

In Music we learnt how to order notes on a glockenspiel. We then had lots of fun playing ‘climb, jump and slide’ on the instrument. We were learning to recognise when a note was lower or higher than another and that notes move in steps.

In Computing we were learning how to take a good photograph. We used ipads to take photos of a variety of different things in our classrooms.


Real Gym was so much fun because we got out the low apparatus! We were developing our balancing skills whilst performing some tricky challenges on both the floor and apparatus. We helped and encouraged each other and made sure we were safe by taking turns.


In RE we have been learning about  Hanukah. A special festival that Jewish people celebrate. They exchange gifts and money, eat food, play games and light the special Hanukkiah Menorah.


Wednesday was Positive Noticing Day. We were all spotted making the right choices as well as being kind, respectful and compassionate to our friends and adults. We had fun writing a label for our friend on which we described what positive things we have noticed about them. We wore the labels home with pride.


W/c 6th November 2023

A huge congratulations to our stars of the week this week – Well done for making your teachers proud!

Our artistic skills took centre stage this week as we delved into the world of self-portraits. Armed with pencils and a keen eye for detail, we practiced our drawing skills focusing on the detail of our facial features, creating personalised masterpieces. These really showcase our creativity and attention to detail.

In computing this week we continued our journey into photography. A key decision-making process unfolded as we were faced with the choice between landscape and portrait styles. This meant experimenting with photos to discover the visual impact each choice can have on our photos. This exploration allowed us to blend creativity with technology, expanding our digital skill set.

The melodic notes of Christmas filled our Music lessons as we continued our festive learning journey. We  spent time exploring different instruments as well as recognising and ordering low and high notes.

In PE this week we engaged in activities designed to improve our dynamic balance and agility, with a particular emphasis on refining our jumping and landing skills. This proved to be quite a tricky challenge for some of us!

The crowning moment of the week was the Sports for Schools event featuring the incredible GB athlete Kelly Simm. Participating in a sponsored circuit activity alongside Kelly was both invigorating and inspiring. Her personal journey in gymnastics, culminating in representing Team GB, served as a beacon of motivation. Kelly’s encouraging words inspired us, showing us the importance of resilience and hard work on our individual paths to personal success.

W/C 30th October 2023

Here are the stars of the week!

In English we have been looking at fireworks poems.  We enjoyed learning November night countdown and performing it together as a class!

In Maths we have continued to add two numbers together and bridge through tens using tens frames to help.

In computing we have been learning about photography.  We enjoyed using Ipads to take pictures!

 In PE we started looking at Gymnastics!

In PSHE we looked at what makes us who we are!

In History we looked at a timeline and started to think about Guy Fawkes!

In R.E we thought about how candles make us feel!

In Art we practised mark making before we drew an angel wing using the techniques we had just learnt.